M E N U // for drinking and eating

beachwater B A G E L S pop-up // every sat. for now. // 9a ‘til sold out

MIDDLE BROW FARM launch // mon 18 mar // mb wines for $25 ea // 4—7p

pizza party with L A S J A R A S // thu 20 mar // tickets!

conversation with M A R T H A S T O U M E N // sat 22 mar // 11a—1p // tickets!

new weird america: a FREE WINE tasting // sat 22 mar // 3—6p // celebrate american wine with 8+ different winemakers making wine w undersung varietals from undersung regions

POST-SOIF PATIO DINNER PARTY w RUTH lewandowski and les LUNES // sun 23 mar // 6—11p // WINE SHOTS / charred dogs / slices / dozens more winemakers

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